
Trending for the Long Term
Markets | Mar 2, 2021
Market activity in the past few weeks has reminded us of the dangers of speculation. A small number of early investors make vast profits at the expense of a much…

Bubble, But For How Long?
Markets | Feb 1, 2021
Without a doubt, 2020 was a “loss” year. Individually, we lost the ability to live our normal way of life. Globally, currencies lost their purchasing power as central banks added…

Changing Tides
Markets | Dec 31, 2020
Closing out 2020 Last month, global equity markets surged as news around COVID-19 vaccine candidates gave investors hope that an economic recovery was plausible. Regionally, developed international equities provided the…

Turning the Corner
Markets | Dec 1, 2020
Christmas is almost upon us, which means we will soon close the book on 2020. It was a tough year for everyone as the COVID-19 pandemic drastically changed our lifestyles….